Self Portrait


The famous painter Rembrandt is struggling with his self-portrait. He is losing control over it as it literally takes over his life.

Rembrandt’s zelfportret probeert diens leven te stelen. De schilder zelf ziet geen andere uitweg dan helemaal in zijn schilderij te verdwijnen.

- 'Award of Dubrovnik' at the NAFF 2014 (Neum)
- Best International Film at BlackRock Animation Film Festival 2012

running time: 7 min.
release: feb 2012

director: Thomas Coltof
script: Thomas Coltof
key animation: Arjan van der Linden
animation studio: Carambolas
music by: Alex Debicky
foley, edit & mix: Jeroen Nadorp, Bob Kommer Studios
financial Support: Nederlands Fonds voor de Film
producer: Chris Mouw
executive producers: Arnoud Rijken & Michiel Snijders