Chris de Deugd

Daedalus Daughter

Daedalus' Daughter was insprired by the myth of Icarus, the levitation of baroque saints, the mediaeval Vanitas theme, and by the sensuous beauty of the voice of the American Mezzosoprano Jennifer Larmore, who also sang the score of the film.

Daedalus' Daughter is a poetic film. A sad refrain about mortality, sung in burnt sienna and sepia, the colors of the earth. It is a dance in which the sway of the animated movement and the warmth of Jennifer's voice mingle for one brief sensuous and melancholy moment.

Music Credits

"Passacalli della Vita", anonymous ca. 1677
Adaptation: Chris de Deugd
Arrangement: Jennifer Larmore, Michiel Niessen & Freek Borstlap
Mezzosoprano: Jennifer Larmore
Recording: Michael Keefe
Lute & theorbo: Michiel Niessen.
Viola da Gamba & Viola Bastarda: Freek Borstlap

Running time: 5 min.
Release (date): april 2001

Director: Chris de Deugd
Producer(s): Chris de Deugd for Fair Cedaria
Music by: Bob Kommer Soundstudio's
Financial Support: Dutch Filmfund